Offered In-Campus Facilities

St. Joseph's Eng Med School has continued to build and extend its commitment to enhancing its facilities. The aim is to preserve the history and heritage of the school, maximize the use of space available in an environmentally responsible and sustainable fashion, and plan for new and refurbished facilities.

The school is providing the following facilities to the students:


St. Joseph's Eng. Med. School, Dumar has Well-equipped classrooms with modern teaching aids such as smart boards, projectors, and audio-visual equipment.


Spacious library for student to study subject in peaceful ambience under supervision. And for revising syllabus again, in advance to lead in competitive environment.


Specialized laboratories for subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, and computer science to facilitate hands-on learning and experiments.

Computer Labs

Dedicated computer labs with internet access for students to enhance their computer skills and stay updated on technology.

Sports Facilities

Playgrounds and sports facilities for activities like football, basketball, cricket, athletics, and other physical education programs.

Safety Measures

Adequate security measures to ensure the safety of students, including CCTV surveillance, security personnel, and controlled access.

Medical Facilities

Basic medical facilities with a nurse on campus to handle minor health issues and emergencies.

Special Education

Facilities and resources to support students with special educational needs, including special educators and assistive technologies.