
SJS, Katihar being an English-Medium School, makes every effort to teach the students to handle English effectively as a written and spoken language. All students must speak only in English in the school campus.


SJS, Dumar, Katihar, has the following course of studies: English, Hindi, Sankrit, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Environmental Science, Computer Science & other Subjects.

  1. The academic session of the school runs from April to March. As per the CBSE norms the scheme of studies for various classes is as follows:
    Class I-IV - English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Moral Science, GK, Environment Education, Art & Craft
    Class V - VIII - English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social Science, Sanskrit, Moral Science, GK, Environment Education, Art & Craft
  2. Computer education is imparted as a compulsory part of studies from Std. III to VIII.